Tweet This little video, a 2009 Cannes Lions winner, says a whole lot about communication. How much we need it. How difficult it can be. How wonderful making the right connection is. And it does it all without the main characters saying anything. It really does take the idea of text messages–something those of us… Continue reading A Little Bit of Communication
Tag: video
What to Do On a Date
Tweet With my current schedule getting in the way of all sorts of things, I have yet to write what I planned on for this space. Luckily, friends in other places stumble across interesting things. For example, here’s a little vintage educational film about dating… By today’s standards, that’s some amazingly tame (and downright square)… Continue reading What to Do On a Date
Looking Ahead to Looking Back
Tweet In just over a week, I have a high school reunion coming up. Since my class has never been a group to do anythingn quite the normal way, it’s a 16 year reunion. (We really did try for the typical 5, 10 and 15 year ones, but never quite pulled it all together–one of… Continue reading Looking Ahead to Looking Back