Tweet Last week we talked a little about our voyeuristic tendencies when it comes to other people’s relationships. The simple fact is, we are social creatures and generally interested in the world around us. Sometimes, though, that external interest serves as a distraction from our own internal world. Our focus on–some may say obsession with–the… Continue reading Hump Day Crush: Without ‘I’
Hump Day Crush: Ponderings on Status
Tweet On a semi-regular basis, I toss around the idea of really dating again. After all, it’s been more than a decade now and sometimes I think I should just go for something different just for the heck of it. I know that if I were to suddenly start “playing the field”, most people I… Continue reading Hump Day Crush: Ponderings on Status
Hump Day Crush: Distractions
Tweet When things get bad in our lives, it’s common to seek distractions. If our school life is bad, we dive into recreational activities. If our home life is bad, we focus more on friends or school. If our relationships are bad… well, we do whatever we can to not address them. Crushes are prime… Continue reading Hump Day Crush: Distractions
Historical Fiction
Tweet All of our past is viewed through the filter of our present. That filter is imperfect. Memories fade and change in unknown ways. They blend together and are reinterpreted every time we visit them. Through repitition, some bits become more vivid than other–regardless of their accuracy. This is all doubly true when our emotional… Continue reading Historical Fiction
Falling and Missing the Ground
Tweet High school and middle school were tough for me. Or, at least, for the person I was then. Toughened and nearly defeated by four years of mostly total (“No I will not go out with you. Please go away.”) and partial rejection (“Oh the movies, right, uh, sure I’ll go with you, but my… Continue reading Falling and Missing the Ground
The Delusional Years
Tweet Sixth grade introduced me to a completely new kind of Hell. In the five years prior, I had managed to go from being a schoolyard bully to being picked on by one of the people I used to pound around a bit. I’d also started to get wrapped up a bit in my own… Continue reading The Delusional Years
Hump Day Crush: That First Valentine’s Day Heartbreak
Tweet She was the new girl that year and I was immediately smitten. Swarthy skin, long black hair and dark eyes with such a spark in them… Of course, I had no conscious appreciation for such things it being thrid grade and all. The fact remains that my stomach got all fluttery when she’d look… Continue reading Hump Day Crush: That First Valentine’s Day Heartbreak